Preventing successful claims against your estate
Worried about successful claims being brought against your estate?

Will Writing Services
Worried about delays obtaining probate during the Covid-19 lockdown?

Do-Not-Attempt-Resuscitate (DNAR) orders
Who decides what medical treatment we should receive when we lose mental capacity?

Probate registry delays
Worried about delays obtaining probate during the Covid-19 lockdown?

Making a Will during the Covid Pandemic – remote witnesses
Worried about making a Will during the Covid-19 lockdown?

Making a Will – the challenges of Social Distancing
Worried about making a Will during the Covid-19 lockdown? Read our FAQs for more help

Coronavirus Update
What HSW are doing to keep working in the current climate

Coronavirus Update
What HSW are doing to keep working in the current climate

Beneficiaries unaware of Inheritance Tax (IHT) exemptions
Do you understand inheritance tax? Most people do not!

Care Home ‘Top Up Fees’ – What are they and what are your rights?
Make sure that you are only paying what you SHOULD be paying for care home fees.