FAQ: Making a Will While Self-Isolating
In light of the Government’s restrictions on social-distancing, you may be wondering how you can make a Will during this pandemic, below we have a set out a few frequently asked questions. If you have any other queries please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help.
How Can I Meet a Solicitor to Take My Will Instructions?
Hall Smith Whittingham LLP continues to offer clients both telephone and / or video conference facilities to help you make a Will. For the video consultation, we will simply send you a link to your smartphone / tablet / laptop you will then be able to discuss your Will with your friendly solicitor from the comfort of your own home.
How Will I Receive the Draft Will?
We can send you your draft Will for you to approve by e-mail or post.
Can I Witness the Will by Video Too?
Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to witness your Will by video or telephone at the current time. The Law Commission is looking into ways Wills can be witnessed without having any physical presence but there have been no changes in the law as of yet.
In the meantime, we can suggest that your Will is witnessed by those living with you as long as:
• they do not benefit under your Will or their spouse / civil partner;
• are not blind; and
• are over 18 years old
On the other hand, you could sign your Will by asking your witnesses to stand outside of your house and witness you signing your Will through a window. This would require two volunteers who also comply with the requirements above. They will need to see you and each other sign your Will and ensure they comply with the social distancing rules between themselves. Once you have signed, you can pass your Will through the letter box to your witnesses who can then sign and date your Will and then send the Will to our office to be stored.
We will send detailed instructions to you with your Will and are always available on the other end of a phone if you need any clarification.
What If I Do Not Have Anyone Who Can Witness My Will?
In these circumstances, we will review each matter on a case by case basis and keep an eye on the Government and Law Society’s guidance.
If you require additional advice contact our team on 01270 212000 or contact us via email here today to arrange a free, confidential and no obligation appointment to discuss with one of our solicitors any issues which you may have.