Resolution – Vision for Family Justice
Resolution is celebrating its 40th Anniversary and in support we wish to help raise awareness of their Vision for Family Justice which will be focusing on the overdue need for reform in respect of Cohabitation.
Increasingly more and more couples are choosing to live together rather than marry and the law has not caught up.
The unfortunate impact on such couples is that if they are not married or in a civil partnership then they have very little legal protection if the relationship were to break down, so in other words they are not legally recognised as a couple. This then makes it very difficult for there to be a claim in the share of the family assets such as the family home, savings, and pensions, or, for example, being able to make a claim for financial support against an ex-partner.
Resolution is campaigning for cohabiting couples to have at least basic rights on relationship breakdown or death of their partner, and is also working to raise awareness so cohabiting couples can take measures to protect themselves.
You can have a look at the Vision for Family Justice, highlighting the changes Resolution want to see to create a system that is fit for the future.
If you want legal advice about cohabitation then we are here to help. We offer an initial 30-minute options meeting, which is free of charge, to discuss your circumstances and the options available to you. We are specialists in dealing with family matters and are committed to help you resolve matters as quickly as possible. Please feel free to call us on 01270 212000 or contact one of our Family Lawyers today for your free initial meeting.